Thursday, August 31, 2023

What was once lost has finally been found and just in time & New Class Alert!

 I lost my blog, been trying for 2 weeks, had no idea where it went and even signed up to start a new one, but at 3 a.m.this morning I tried once again to straighten the mess out and voila!  Never stop trying is what I've learned from that experience.  It's so nice to be back.

A lot going on at Salty Yarns as we are busy getting ready for retreat season here.  The canvas and threads have arrived for the canvaswork class, "Beachcombers Booty" with Anne Strite-Kurz, and for once I'm going to be taking the class.  Picked up the supplies from the shop and tried to start the outline of the sand dollar and of course I've became to afraid to start for fear I'd start in the wrong place so Sara said to leave it with her and she'd do the pre-stitch.  I jumped at the chance.  I had to laugh when I got a call from Sara a couple of days later to see if it would bother me if it was centered exactly.  I said no, but knew it would drive me crazy but figured once the class was over I'd just take it apart and start over.  But fortunately Kathy and Stacy were also in the shop starting their pre-stitch and Kathy put pressure on her to start again.  So folks I'm ready to go and the design outline is in the center as instructed.  Exciting!

Then in October we have Jamboree and Jackie DuPlessis.  Yes, orders are being placed and tags are being made.  Won't be long now....
We also have a new class that has been scheduled....this time a knitting class (information is at the bottom of the blog post.  

I'm still busy trying to meet my goal of 4 projects finished each month I got the boost of the 5 nautical mittens which counted as 5 projects but only took me one week to complete so that made this month easier as I had to stitch only 3 pieces and my goal would be reached.  This month I pulled out Little House Needleworks, Keeper of the Pins, which I spoke about last month.  Should have been easy, it was a WIP which I put away apparently 5 seconds after I started it and was shocked to find I had only stitched 1 small leaf.  Yikes, I wonder what shiny object caught my eye that made me leave this one in a bag for a few years.  But I'm determined to get all the WIP finished before I die since I at least have the shame associated with too many WIP sitting on the shelves.  Moving only revealed the exact number and it's embarrassing.  So my new goal when I moved was to start pulling one instantly, and I did, and then to continually pull a new WIP each time I finished the current one.  So far I've finished a few but it's like taking a thimble of water out of the ocean.  There are just way too still are the shelves many to celebrate yet.  But at least I'm working on it.  Keeper of the Pins took much longer than I had imagined it would so, I got frustrated every day I didn't finish it and then last week decided I just needed to sit and stitch until it was finished.  The final insult for me was the last row of strawberries on the vine I zoned out and did twice the number of strawberries by mistake.  I was over half way through the vine when I actually looked at the picture on the chartpak and realized mine looked different and then realized what I had done.  I was over 1/2 done with the vine so I just decided I didn't feel like ripping out stitches so just finished it that way.  And so now it's finished.  Yea!!!  

Final news for this post is Salty Yarns is going to have a knitting class starting September 27th.

After Thought Heel Sock Class by Brenda from A Little Bit Sheepish 

Cost of 4 classes will be $80 plus the cost of materials (which are not included)  $40.00 deposit is required to hold your spot.In four sessions, September 27, October 18, October 25, November 1, you will learn how to knit in the round and use double points, working your way to a pair of socks.  

Sessions will be held at Salty Yarns, 10452 Old Ocean City Blvd (right next to Tractor Supply in Berlin) from 1 PM - 2:30 PM on the dates shown.

To register please call the shop (410) 289-4667 or e-mail SALTYYARNS@AOL.COM. 

Have a great Labor Day and I'll be back to show you a couple of finishes that I'm working on now.  

Keep your needles moving stitchers.  No time to waste!

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