Stitch 'n Bitch Christmas dinner was December 9th, and as usual we had a grand old time. Lots of food, drink, goodie bags and presents. Yes, I was richly rewarded and I can't thank all the ladies enough. My Christmas officially began Monday night. The weather didn't really cooperate, it was rainy, windy and cold but that didn't deter us, although Beth Jernigan didn't make it, we missed you Beth! Crystal had to get her child in a parade which should have been cancelled but she still arrived in time to eat, so kudos to Crystal. Debbie Liming blew into town on Saturday so she was already here in plenty of time. Candy and Linda got the time wrong, but again arrived in plenty of time. Sara was still in town ( she left the next day for Jamaica, so she attended for the first time in about 3 years so that was special, especially since she's managing the shop now and I'm really just a guest at the dinner. It was good to have someone else in charge. I worked hard to get some things finished for Christmas and managed to get the things pictured here finished and wrapped. The top pictures are another of the wooden totes, which I simply love. If you remember I did a Chessie & Me Tote earlier in the summer and then a Halloween tote as a gift in October so I am on a somewhat wooden tote "kick". They are so cute and useful since they hold your needle book and scissors and I keep my Chessie & Me tote on the table next to my chair and put any beads I'm using, etc. in it so I don't lose them (finally I've got a system). Anyway, the design was from a chart Stacy Stinson pointed out, "Polka Dots & Alphabets", so much fun to stitch. The chart pack has a design for a large sampler and another for a pin cushion. I decided to figure out a way to utilize the design on the tote, so I had to make some changes, add a few items, etc., but in the end I was thrilled with the end result. I loved the scissor fob so much with the cloth tape measure used as the scissor holder. Debbie Liming had actually given me a goodie bag a couple of years ago with this tied around the top of the bag. Since I never throw anything away for fear I'll need it, I was able to find it again (miracles do happen) in with my ribbon. This only verifies I should not throw anything crafty away as I may be able to repurpose it. Anyway, as I started the needlebook I really was getting tired of coming up with design elements, but as usual any blank space was like a magnet for some design, but thankfully on the back side I was able to stop because I actually stuck 2 black pins in the pin cushion and that satisfied me. But it was a fun project to stitch. Then I stitched the 3 pictures, 2 on the ends are Lizzie Kates and the middle one is "Weiner Wonderland," which I stitched for a friend who has a little dachsund. I ended up stitching that one over 1 so I could have it framed in an easel backed frame and it was so cute over 1. I still have 3 more gifts to finish, one is completely stitched but the finishing is daunting, so I'm not sure how this is going to come about, but the other 2 pieces should be too much of a problem (I always say that and then struggle to get the projects finished. If I don't get it done I won't kill myself since I have a backup plan (it's for Sara and Michael), but I've been know to stitch Christmas day to get something done before she arrives, so we'll just see. I did want to alert everyone, that a church issue has come up and we are closing the shop on Monday, tomorrow, in order to get the church ready for Christmas Eve. As many of you are aware we had a horrific fire in which our minister was killed last Thanksgiving. We have been trying to get back to normal ever since. And for some reason, the men of the church decided to have Christmas Eve service in the church even though it's not completely finished. That means Sara and I (we're on altar duty in December) have to move all the altar vestments, candles, etc., back upstairs even though next Sunday we have to move it all back downstairs as we will be back in the hall the next 2 Sundays after Christmas. UGH!!! I know I shouldn't complain, however, what is the point of moving us upstairs for one of stairs to get it back downstairs for the next Sunday...UGH! But it's our job and I keep reminding myself God has watched over my family and has given me a wonderful life so I feel I should not complain about serving him. But in this instance, I feel we would all be better off staying downstairs until the building is completely done. Mercy we are talking about 3 more weeks apparently. It's not important to me that we get upstairs in a hurry, it's enough to know that we will be there soon. Anyway, Sara was so put out that we have to be at the church both Monday and Tuesday we decided to close the shop on Monday in hopes that we can get the work done early enough that we will get the rest of our shopping, cleaning our own homes, and food shopping and cooking done. Mercy, this time last week I thought I was on track...that so isn't the truth as of today. Anyway, got to start cleaning my carpet. Talk to you later. Have a wonderful holiday, and please drive carefully if you have to travel. Hope Santa brings you each a delightful surprise. Thanks for a great year!
20 hours ago