I'm pooped as usual...woke at around 4:15...God, having old kidneys is killing me...anyway, then I thought I'd like to stitch even though I knew I had to take a shower, eat and get to church by 8:00. But idiot that I am I didn't go back to sleep but went straight to the sofa and pulled out my needlework (it's just too much fun). I made it to church where I struggled to keep my eyes open and then on to work...where I spent the day trying to keep my eyes open. My problem is when I'm tired my eyes close automatically after about 2 stitches, so to wake myself up I'd walk around the shop which means that I started pulling new projects...and while I'd hoped for small items, I pulled a Victoria Sampler which is big..so that's a major project and then I cut the fabric for something I brought in from home...actually I got this to do for my "special friend" with whom I exchange "ornaments" at Jamboree. I thought it was purfect when I first saw it but now I'm second guessing myself but I'm getting the supplies together just in case. So I'm pulling projects and fabric and fibers and Sara was just glaring at me threatening to pull everything back out of my bag and putting it back in stock, which meant I could not leave my bag unattended for fear she'd do just that...what to do? What to do? Finally Linda W. and Candi showed up so I spend the greater part of the day talking to them while they stitched and I talked. Sara brought me a pitcher of Bloody Mary's to try to keep me awake...it didn't work either but it sure was good going down. I think perhaps we need to open a bar at Salty Yarns...fun times, yup, fun times. Carolyn stopped by with the Blackbird fabric for my 9 stockings and it is perfect...oh, these are going to be so pretty. And Hedy stopped by ...she was taking a walk and thought she'd stop in to say hi so she sat a while and talked to the group.....I almost called the rest of the Stitch 'n Bitch group so we could have a meeting...but that would mean I would have to get my fat rear off the seat and walk across the floor to the phone, and we all know that wasn't going to happen, in fact I didn't move off the chair all day. Candi worked on 2 different projects sitting there and is close to finishing both, while Linda is zooming along on her Sampler Casket. I do believe she's actually going to have this completed by the Spring Retreat...she's like a house on fire. Everyone left us around 3:30 so Michael entertained us and finally it was time to go home. Whoppee...nap time! Well, it's now Monday morning...I did get the rest I needed and managed to wake up just in time for Amazing Race. This season it is amazing that the contestents aren't as rude as they usually are to the people who don't speak their language. Usually they are an embarrassment to America, but they must teach them sensitivity training now before they race. And with the exception of one of the teams, they clearly don't realize they are in a race. They are waiting for other teams to help them, etc...people you are in a race. You can be civil, but you don't help other teams. Sooner or later it will have to get cut throat, but until it does....well, they just don't give me much to talk about. Except perhaps last nights running to the finish in their underwear. What the hell was that about? Training with Russian's who were fully clothed, and yet there were the idiots from America running with them in their underwear (which wasn't that interesting until you got to the stewardess who was wearing a thong). This is when you know that the show is the vision of males. There was no reason for these people to be running in Russia in the winter in their underwear. It was men hoping to catch a woman in her underwear the skimpier the better. Hope you got your thrill gentlemen! I can tell you the ladies weren't as lucky. The men's underwear was less than interesting and showed none of the men's bits and pieces, which frankly I've never found that interesting to look at to begin with. I say cover that up and keep it covered gentlemen...it just isn't that pretty to look at. As for the ladies....next time you are on a race, don't wear a thong! Have a great day stitchers....I'll talk to you later.
Housewives alert: It just gets better and better...read that Alex McCord from 'The Real Housewives of NYC' got laid off from her real-life job at Victoria's Secret. In an interview with Life & Style, the mother of two says she's searching for a new job and will have to cut back on "discretionary expenses" and nanny hours. Are you kidding me...I don't know what surprises me more...she works at Victoria's Secret or that she uses discretion in anything including expenses. These girls are just too much fun to talk about.
2 days ago
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