Friday, January 31, 2014

Wednesday's Post....ahhh, what the heck...

It is now 8:00 a.m. and it is still started  around 7 p.m. last night.  Fortunately, it was a light snow so while we got about 4 inches it is so fluffy it shouldn't be a problem.....except for school buses so the kids have another day off school.  However, starting tomorrow temperatures go up and the sun is forecast and by Friday it is scheduled to be 50 degrees so this snow, which I'm sure is our last of the winter is going to be gone, gone, gone....Thank heavens.   It is now  Friday morning and I'm at it turned out the children were off from school Thursday as well and today had a 2 hour delay but at least went to school.  But I still sense that we are seeing the end of winter as the temps are going up, today it will be in the 40's and tomorrow in the 50's with no wind chill to deal with.  We are doing the happy dance in what remains of the snow.  Actually on the ramp in front of the store we have carved a path but it's surrounded by about 3 inches of snow...but I'm still elated because we are seeing plenty of sunshine now.  Although apparently that may change to clouds this weekend, but with 50 degrees I don't care. Stitchers started arriving for our Superbowl party last night.  So we will be partying for the next 3 days, with our big party on Sunday in the shop.  All are invited, well, except for the woman who always walks the not a stitcher...but heard about the food and always comes in to the shop on Superbowl Sunday and just stands at the food table and eats until she's filled up and then leaves.  Of course, eagle eye Sara catches sight of her every year and then I start praying the woman gets out before Sara comes around the corner.  I can only contain Sara for so long before she goes ape@#$@ all over her.  So far it's working, but I'll have to be prepared Sunday just in case.  Meanwhile I'm usually so busy at the food table (stuffing my face) I'm paying no attention to anyone.  If you are in the area..please be sure to stop by and party with us.  Now, back to Wednesday and Thursday when  I was so busy finishing pieces.  I got my sewing machine back from repair and I decided to take it for a test run.  I pulled out a couple of pieces that have been sitting so long on the finishing table I forgot I even stitched them, but by this morning I am able to take 7 finished pieces into the shop....whoppee!!  Great week.  Have a great weekend. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day started out promising for most....

I woke and could hear the sound of woman all over town breathing a sigh of relief as they got their children ready for school.  You see in Ocean City the kids have been out of school for the past week, since the snow that fell last Tuesday night.  And then Monday, yesterday, the schools were closed so today was the first time in a week that Mary and Sara had time to themselves.  When I arrived in the office both were in good spirits until.....yes they are predicting 1-3 inches of snow tonight.  I could almost hear the guns being pulled out.  As much as Mary loves her 2 little rug rats she is ready to scream at another 5 days stuck in the house with Solomon and Izzy.  For Sara it's not so bad as Michael is older, but I'm sure every mother in town is holding their breath tonight.  I headed to the grocery store after work so I'd be ready for a day in tomorrow.  Sadly I have to have an ultra sound on Thursday so I'm just hoping the snow that comes disappears before then.  I don't like being in the snow at all.  So tomorrow is going to be my finishing day (well if I can stop myself from stitching that is.)  Yesterday I received my first Plum Street club kit.....I love Plum Street Samplers so Sara gave me the gift of club membership for Christmas or my birthday...don't know which one but anyway I was between pieces so I started it when I got home and was finished this morning....yippee!!!  If I'm able to finish it I'll get it up on the blog tomorrow.  Can't wait and since it's finished you know what that means....tonight I get to pick out another new project...and then I'm going to add the Sherri Jones mermaid back into the rotation.  Fortunately for me I've got the back and front of the purse I should be able to get the rest done without too much effort.  But then I have the 2nd kit, The Tulip Tray to do and I haven't even opened it.  Wish me luck.  Have a great night of stitching.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm officially frozen in place.....

O.K. I'm officially done with snow and cold weather.  I actually had to go outside and I'm not a happy camper.  I bundled up like Nanuk of the North and braved the weather yesterday...16 degrees and for those of you who are even colder...well we're a summer resort and shouldn't have to deal with this.   Anyway, today I've come to work and it's even worse, with wind chill putting us in the single digits, plus they are threatening us with snow flurries.  Save it I say, we don't need it or want it.  I've had my snow days and I'm over the snow...bring on spring for God's sake and my sanity.  I am so not prepared for snow.  I tried to put on my boots to go out yesterday and found they are so tight I could barely get them on and when I did they were killing my small toe which we think I broke a couple of weeks ago.  I walked in those boots but I didn't smile one bit.  Today I'm back to tennis shoes.  The hell with the snow I'm going to act like it's summer and the sun is beaming.  Meanwhile it's grey and overcast and freezing.  Even the ocean looks unhappy.    I wanted to show  you two more gifts I received last month....Judy Brunclik made me the beautiful spring (bring it on) scene in the adorable teapot frame.  It is sooo cute, don't you think?  And the bottom biscornu was stitched by our Pat Weker.  It's a Fab Reilly and fabulous.  Actually too pretty to actually use so it will sit with all my treasures in my stitching room for me to look at and play with.  No on second thought I'll bring it in to the shop since we have the chart and you will want to make this yourself.  Think Secret Santa people.  Thank you my new treasures.  I'm still having trouble using this blog.  Yesterday
I tried to do something and deleted the blog talking about my Celebrate
Santa.  I'm depressed but  hope everyone got to see him.  I still have him out and on my table.   He's now celebrating the fact that I cleaned up.  Sara just handed me hand warmers so I can finish this blog and then I'm going back over to the office where it is warmer.  Last night I worked on the Welsh cottage since weekends are dedicated to my joint project with Linda Wimbrow.  Good heavens this thatched roof is taking forever.  I decided to work on the side wall at the same time to give me somewhat of a break on thatching.  I still love the project though and can't wait to see it finished.  I also finished The Flock by SamSarah....this is a favorite of Sara's so I just had to do it for the shop.  As with all SamSarah it's a fun and funky piece and reminds me of spring (or is that just wishful thinking).  Anyway I'll show it once I get it framed.  I will have it in the shop next weekend for the Superbowl sale if you happen in.  And don't forget about the case you need's a fabulous sale and the time to stock up on the more expensive charts or accessories.  It starts Friday and goes through Sunday.  Stop by on Sunday and we'll have snacks as well.  We do enjoy our Sunday Superbowl.  No one goes away hungry for either food or needlework. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Shop Closed Due to Weather

I started this blog on Monday when we were really excited to see a snow day....we've now had 4 days of freezing temps and kids out of school and now it's not so exciting.  Sara and I made the decision to keep the shop closed today due to the state of the boardwalk here.  Due to the fact that the weatheer has kept the ice and snow still present on the boardwalk we are concerned for the safety of our customers.  We're hoping to get the front salted and see if we can get rid of the ice and snow but with these temperatures...well who knows.  I'll keep you posted on this though and hopefully tomorrow when the temperature is suppose to rise above freezing we may see a difference.  And now they are also talking about moving the Super Bowl to another day....well this will not deter our Super Bowl sale.  We will start our sale next Friday as can call us, e-mail your order, order on the web site from Friday thru Sunday and you will be getting it on sale.   And with the weather we've been experiencing I've been couch surfing 24/7.  .  Since I finished another shop sample Monday night, , "Valentine Topography" by Pine Mountain, I've pulled out a WIP..."The Flock" by SamSarah.  I hadt 2 sections left to do and last night, Thursday, I finally finished the piece....whoppee!  Since the weekend is upon us it means I have to work on the Moss Creek project which I'm working along with Linda.  Hopefully I'll finish the roof this weekend and can get most of one wall done.  Then I get to start a new project...oh, my know how I love starting a new project.  Oops...I forgot, I guess I should finish at least one of the Sherri Jones class pieces first....O.K., I can get a new project in the rotation at least.     I also wanted to thank all the stitchers that were here over the weekend.  100 stitchers attended  Camp Wannastitch and we saw quite a few of them.  Several have attended this event since it began so we're starting to recognize many of the stitchers so it's like old friends coming in.  It  is always  such fun to see real stitchers and they kept us busy all weekend so we wanted to say " Thank You" so much.  Your coming in and supporting our business is greatly appreciated.  We look forward to seeing you all again next year if not sooner.  Have fun with your  new stash.  Sara has also starting organizing 2 new events for the shop.  We're having a Knitting Retreat in June and a 2nd one in September.  We're really excited to be adding another event and even more excited about the yarn tasting we will be having during the event.  Anyway, got to get ready for a Doctor's appt (ugh)  have a great stitching day...stay inside and stay warm.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Quaker Ball....oh. my

Another gift to me from Linda Wimbrow and her daughter Candi.  This is also fabulous and is already on display in the shop so you can actually come in and see every stitch.  While I thought it would be a nightmare to finish, Linda and Candi said they had no problem and I can tell you they did a fabulous job.  Not knowing how else to display it I simply put it on a candlestitch (turned upside down).  While I had it at home though I simply sat it on a shelf in my living room and it looked fabulous.  I love Quaker and this was so different I had to have it.  So while it's in my stitching tote...I'm actually thrilled I don't have to stitch it now and put it together.  But I'm glad Linda and Candi gave it to me for Christmas because now I get to enjoy the real thing, not just the chart.  When you come down to Ocean City, look for it.  If you are into Quaker you will have to put this in your to-do pile. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

TGIF...oh, my!'s been a difficult week for me.. as anyone over the age of 60 can tell you, the doctors have devised all kinds of excitement for us...and the worst of the games is the colonoscopy.  Now I realize the cure (tests) are better than the illness (cancer), however between the actual test and the prep...good Golly it's a minefield and each step is hazardous to your health.  Having had this procedure twice before, and knowing that I had a problem with the prep before  made this time even more stressful for me.  And then when I went to the preliminary before the actual event (shall we call it)..I became even more stressed out when they informed me I couldn't take pills again which I did on the second colonoscopy.  No matter how much whining I did about not being able to get the liquid down, the doctor just said, "Don't worry about it,  it's different than the last time you took it and people say it tastes good (I rank that right up there with the pharmacist asking if anyone spoke to me about the price of a prescription).  But when you have no choice you just go with it.  Then to find out the prescription is $93.00 and insurance only covers $2.00 of it...well another blow for this procedure.  But Tuesday evening I started mixing the powder with water....scared but determined I put a straw in the glass (I read it made it easier to get it down) and was thrilled I only had to drink 5 oz of the stuff.  I was even more amazed when I realized the consistency was different this time and it didn't taste as bad as last time so I was able to do the prep with no problem.  Aside from not having a bit of food for over 24 hours I thought things were going really well.  The only problem I could see was you had to take a 2nd doze so many hours before your actual colonoscopy...and that meant I would have to get up at 3:00 and take the second prep.  Now we all know you must remain alert after taking this stuff  because you have to run to the bathroom...several times.  I was so hungry....I couldn't concentrate on anything.  To keep me occupied I watched "Game of Thrones" all day Tuesday which helped...and stitched...which helped.  Anyway, I woke at 3:00 a.m. did the 2nd prep and of course by then had to stay up in order to take a shower when it was close to 7:00 and get dressed as Sara was picking me up at 7:15 on her way to drop Michael at school.  Then off to the doctors.  They called on Monday and told me to show up at 8:00 (my actual colonoscopy was 9:00).  So we got to the doctors around 7:45 and when checking in she said, "Oh you're really early."  I said I knew I was 15 minutes early but I'd sit and wait.  She said, you aren't scheduled until 10:00a.m.  I informed  her I had the paper which was given to me at the doctor's on which it said 9:00 a.m., plus someone at her office called me a couple of days ago and told me to get there at 8:00 a.m.  She starts shuffling papers and says, Oh yes, I see  where they moved up the appointment (but I could see the paper which clearly said 10:00 so somewhere there was a glitch in their system).  But we sat and waited and around 9:00 a.m. they came for me.  I told Sara I was going to need to eat as soon as I was done so while I was in she went for snacks.  Things went quickly once I went into the prep room.  I have to say, my doctor is the best.  He comes in with a smile and has a short conversation with you and when it's over it's the same thing.  If I was looking inside someone's poop shoot I would have neither a smile nor a good word.  Thank God I'm not a doctor.  Anyway, once I woke up we were on our way in a matter of minutes (well, perhaps 45 minutes).  Thrilled to be done...except he says we have to meet in 5 years again...damn!  Love the man but don't want to see him at work anymore.  Anyway, it took me 2 days to get over it (that's my story and again I'm sticking with it) so I sat on the sofa for 2 days stitching and getting my "Games of Thrones" on.  Just so I could say I wasn't worthless I did start the kitchen scrub down .... actually cleaning woodwork, etc., microwave, ovens, etc.  Yes this is new for me, but I'm determined to get it all spic and span before spring.  For every hour I cleaned I got to watch "Game..." one episode.  That lasted for 2 hours and then it was over and I was back on the sofa.  Anyway, that's my TGIF story.  Now...because I have to talk business at some point...I put up another before Christmas finish.  The first picture shows the Praiseworthy Stitches special kit...what's so cute is the green plastic tree (I know plastic, but it is cute) that the kit comes in it and then it becomes the container for the finished product.  Everything is really small, the scissor sheath holds the new petite cute, and the thimble pocket is holding a thimble and still fits into the green plastic tree.  The second picture is the Pine Mountain "Winter Topography" pillow.  I have to say, usually Pine Mountain is a fast and easy project for me, one to two nights and I'm done.  I can't say that for this pillow.  It didn't help that I kept using the wrong color fibers in the wrong spots and kept tearing out, but even so this took a few nights, but I do love it because there is so much to it.  And it makes a great pillow to represent the month.  January is our "snow" month in the shop, so our front display has anything with snow or snowmen on it.  Fun for such a dull month...and I mean dull since the last two months are so exciting and colorful.  But January in Ocean City is quiet, it's overcast and events happening and few visitors except for us next weekend when Camp Wannastitch will be in our stitchers.  So if you are coming for that we look forward to seeing you.  We are having warmer temps...high 40's, low 50's and this weekend going to 60...but raining.  At least there is no snow...although a snow day doesn't make me whine...just more time on the sofa.  Have a great weekend. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Stitching is finally over....

Usually I don't stitch any holiday pieces past the day of the holiday, but this year I had several little pieces I wanted to get done so I stitched on until yesterday and I'm thrilled with the result. 
It was definitely a Lizzie Kate Christmas for me down here, well I love these because they are fast and easy, no specialty stitches, no pages of instruction to read through, just a fun stitch.  The "Naughty or Nice" was actually a Shepherd's Bush pattern and another easy stitch and now just needs framing, so into the frame pile it goes.  Then the 2013 Flora McSample's Stockings.  The "Noel" stocking was stitched over 2 on 28 ct. and came out bigger than I expected but I was delighted because after finishing it could actually hold a very small gift.  A special gift for someone special.  There is one more stocking that I lost track of momentarily and it didn't get in the picture, but it is also from the same leaflet and is stitched over 1 on 28 cute...and it is called
 the alphabet sampler is so cute because it is so small and would make a cute little ornament.  The other ornament that made the picture is the 3rd stocking from the leaflet and it's "Tis the season" and it's stitched over one on 25 count, so while it's small and would make a cute ornament it's a tad bigger than the alphabet sampler stocking.  But the small stockings take a day to do while Noel took a little longer.  The large picture you see is the Lizzie Kate Mystery Sampler, "Holly & Hearts".  While more stitching, still an easy stitch, done over 2 threads on Picture This Plus overdyed 28 ct. fabric.  I wanted to add some dimension to it so I did add beads in know I'm always finding areas where I can add a bead or two.  Then the final piece, "A Little Snow" kit was a 1 day project as well.  I don't have the snowflake charm on it yet, but even without the charm it is really cute.  And now I'm moving on to other "snow" pieces for January displays, as well as getting on track with class pieces.  Linda, Candi and Katie (a student from Candi's school) were over yesterday, everyone stitching including Katie so it was a fun day in the shop.  Linda and I are trying to get a Moss Creek Etui stitched and put together...A Welsh Cottage Etui with smalls.  Last weekend I said, "Let's start on the smalls to get a good head start", but Linda said, "I think I'd rather start on the thatched roof."  So I started on the roof, the alphabet side and when Linda got here I said, "I'm pretty sure we're working on different sides of the roof" and she announced, "I started with the needle book."  So much for a plan!  But at least we're off and running and it only took us a few years to get this far.  Candi was working on her pre-stitch for the Sherri Jones Mermaid piece for this year, but I'm not feeling too much pressure with this as I had the kit from the Hilton Head retreat where we took the class (and never stitched it) and since Barbara Nunez and I were suppose to be done stitching this by 2013 Jamboree so we could work on construction I had the front and back done.( And Barbara didn't work on hers at all)  so we never got anywhere with that, but at least I had a head start so I don't have as much to do on that piece.  However, I haven't even taken the 2nd kit, Tulip Tray, home so I guess I better get my stitching on and get these pieces stitched.  With the shop closed 3 days a week until Easter I should be able to get these pieces stitched.  The weather is gloomy down here today, overcast and raining and I know most of us are facing really frigid weather if you haven't already been hit with it.  We've been lucky in that we've still had high 40's and 50's mostly during the day, but tonight we go down to single digits and with wind chill...well I don't even want to think about it.  However, Wednesday we're back in the 30's and by Thursday back to the 40's and by the weekend they are even thinking perhaps low 50's, so I just have to survive a couple of days.  However, Wednesday I go in for the dreaded colonoscopy...TMI I know, but I wanted to bitch about the prep again.  The last time I went through this I couldn't get the liquid throat just closed on me.  However, he ended up doing the procedure anyway (I don't even want to think about that), but when I had to go to Baltimore for another one they gave me pills as I can always get them down.  It was a series of 40 pills but I managed to get them down, although not all the water I was suppose to but still I did a good job with that.  When I went into the doctor's office this time and he said, "We don't do the pills anymore, this is a much better solution and a lot less than before, you'll be fine, " I just cringed.  I keep looking at that damn box thinking we are going to do battle Tuesday and I have a feeling I'm not going to win, but I'm going to try.  However, when I drove to the pharmacy and asked for the prescription the pharmacist said, "Has anyone discussed the cost with you?"  The last time they said that to me the medicine cost $300.   Since I had insurance this time I thought, "How much could I be charged?"  $93.00, that's what. (Turns out insurance only paid about $2.00 of this.)  Honestly, that is ridiculous and to think I probably won't even be able to get it down....well my Tuesday and Wednesday will surely be no picnic.  Hope your week is better than mine will be, although I will be sitting on the sofa most of the time stitching so it won't be all bad.  Have a great week and stay warm.



Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!!!!!

It's been such a wonderful start to the new year for me.   I spent the last 4 days sitting on the sofa stitching while watching the entire series of Upstairs Downstairs.  I started it at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday and this morning (Saturday) watched the final segment before heading off to work.  I fell asleep a few times and had to rewind, but it's all I watched for the last 4 days. Day and night.  What fun.   Next up...Homeland (series 1 & 2) which was a Christmas present from Sara and Debbie...I'm so excited.  I did watch some of it when we got free Showtime last year, but needed to get it since I don't subscribe to Showtime.  Love my DVR.    Sara told me to stay home today since it was so darn cold, but I had to confess to her that I didn't want to because my behind was sore from sitting so long (didn't know that could happen) and my neck and shoulders hurt from all the stitching.  
On Monday, while I work, as I was reading different blogs I commented to Sara that when I went to one of the designers blogs there wasn't a word about stitching on it.  Sara looked me in the eye and said, "have you ever read Salty Yarns blog?"  Since I compose it of course I had read it before, but then I realized what point she was trying to make.  So, in the spirit of a New Year and turning over a new leaf...I shall write about stitching at least once on every blog posting.  On the right you will see one of the gifts I stitched as a Christmas present for Judy who started working at Salty Yarns in the fall.  It's the High Seas Biscornu and Fob (Fab Reilly designs).   The minute it came into the shop I just knew I had to  stitch it. And since Judy is all about the ocean right now,(she just moved down),  I just felt it would be perfect for her.    I had a great deal of fun stitching it and paired it with lighthouse scissors to complete the gift.  I was a stitching maniac all November and December and managed to complete about 9 projects, for employees, Stitch 'n Bitch secret santa gifts and friends.  Last week I managed to complete the Lizzie Kate Mystery Christmas Sampler, although I did add a few beads to give it some dimension.  I also completed my first 2014 project, started Wednesday night, Lizzie Kate, "A Little Snow".  A cute easy stitch and since snow is our January topic in the shop it is perfect...of course now I have to get it framed.... Since I finished something,  I got to start a new project, (although I've got a few still being worked on), but Linda and I are going to work a project together and we begin on Sunday so I wanted to get my fabric prepped and perhaps even begin since I'm also sure Linda is doing the same thing.  This is definitely going to be a race to see who  can stitch the most each week.  We've decided that we're going to meet here in the shop every Sunday in order to get this etui done, otherwise we'd end up putting it off for another year.  .  We've had it for at least  3 years and keep talking about it but never start so 2014 is the magic year of accomplishment for us. It will be a race to see who gets the most done.  While we are both working on the roof of the project, I have a feeling she is working on the front side and I'm busy with the back side.  The strain of so much overone stitching made me decide  to stitch Lizzie Kate's 2013 Flora McSample's Stockings.  So Thursday I  finished Noel on 28 ct. over 2 (much bigger than I had envisioned) and since it was larger than I had imagined I stitched the alphabet sampler stocking over 1 on 28 ct. on Friday, our first official snow day.    It's cute, and will be perfect on a tree, but I have to say the over 2 stocking would actually hold a small gift so I'm thinking I like that one better.  Sara suggested I do the third stocking on 25 count over 1 to give some perspective on size with a different count.  We'll see.  Now that I've discussed stitching I can  talk about what went wrong with our Christmas.  It started with my Mary wanting a new lounge chair to match the furniture that "fell off the back of a truck" last year, (when the man came to me in the shop to unload his truck of furniture from North Carolina).  So she and I went over to a popular furniture store in Delaware and after sitting on 100 (at least) such chairs she finally picked out a black leather one. (By this time I was willing to gift her anything, no matter what the cost just to get the hell out of there.)  In the meantime while I was waiting for her to settle on a chair, I did pick out a display cabinet for Sara for Christmas so she could display her smalls.  Anyway, the furniture company arrived with the delivery the week before Christmas.  When they pulled the chair off the truck Mary said, "That's not the chair I picked."  The chair was a cocoa and fabric, so back in the truck it went.  We were told they couldn't deliver again until after Christmas....well these things happen.  Well, Thursday I heard a knocking on the door, and  they had  arrived with the chair again.  I went out to direct them and when I saw the chair on the truck I called Mary and asked her to come down as  I felt  they were delivering  the same chair.  She walked down the stairs and the words began to fly.  Usually Mary doesn't cuss like a sailor (that's Sara), but I'm telling you yesterday she let it fly.  Her final words were "I don't even want the friggin chair anymore, especially from you so credit my mother's card and I'm done."  Meanwhile I'm telling her to watch her language and don't blame the men delivering the chair, while at the same time apologizing to them for her language and attitude.  It was the same two delivery men so they were getting use to taking the chair off the truck and putting it back on.  Although I have to say, while I'm sure they deliver many items I'm surprised they didn't realize this was the same friggin chair as last time because one of them said the same thing they said before...."it looks cocoa to me."  Now I just got a call from Mary that the furniture store salesman has called and is coming up with many excuses, and has yet to say, I'm sorry, which is what she wants.  After the first delivery, Mary went back to the store to point out the correct chair a 2nd time, which makes her even madder...since the store is about an hour away.   The chair she keeps picking out is Black Leather and the chair they've sent twice is cocoa and fabric.  I mentioned to the delivery people that perhaps the item number was confused on the chairs, apparently both chairs had the same item #, which is what they are saying is the problem...wouldn't you think they would have noticed this the first time around.  Anyway, Mary finally has her chair, after New Year's but the chair is situated and I'm pretty sure her behind has been in it.  The other Christmas problem we had was....Christmas morning I awoke around 4:30 and felt that it was a little chilly, but I pushed the thermometer up and kept plugging along.  After letting the water run for 30 minutes I knew there was another problem.  So when I was sure Mary and Brian were up I called them and asked if their place was cold....which it was but they plugged in electric heaters and said don't worry about it.  However, since everyone was coming to my house Christmas day for dinner and gift exchanging I said I was worrying about it because this was not only a heating issue but a hot water issue.  To do the huge pile of dishes I was using to make a Christmas dinner I needed hot water.  Since 4:30 I was heating water in the microwave and using it to wash dishes but that was  getting "old" fast.  So Vernon was called.  Sara's first response was to run to the office to see if I had paid the bill...which I knew I had so that couldn't be the issue.  When she saw I paid it on December 1st we started making plans to get heat for the day.  I figured no one would answer the phone on Christmas day so we were thinking of heaters from the hotel and me microwaving hot water. (starting to remind me of Nashville and me trying to melt butter over a candle...I'm old school I can handle just about any problem).   However, Christmas afternoon they answered the phone and actually delivered oil on Christmas Day.  I told Vernon to hold on to the delivery man as I wanted to give him a nice tip for coming out but apparently the only person not happy with coming was the delivery man and gave Vernon attitude so Vernon said, "No way are you tipping that asshole. Vernon went out and was saying how sorry we were that he had to come out, but we're on automatic with them so we couldn't understand why we ran out."  The serviceman apparently didn't give a damn and wouldn't even speak to Vernon, apparently he was solid "pissed off" at us for having the nerve to call in for oil.  We're on automatic once a month....didn't happen in December...if you had shown up I wouldn't have had to call you!  After that I decided I'm done with oil deliveries and I'm having another method of heat put in.  And that was my Christmas's never easy, but I've learned to go with the flow.  Even with that I had a wonderful Christmas and I've had an even better week after Christmas.  While we did open on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, we had our first snow day on Friday after New Years....and that's so much fun.  A day when you thought you would have to work, but instead you get to stay home.  Whoppee!!! It's a good thing.  While the pitiful snow we got was over by morning, we had a day of rain on Thursday and I felt it might result in black ice beneath the snow and decided we shouldn't open.  When I called Sara and told her what I thought she just said, "It's fine with me."....what she didn't tell me is she was sick.  Vernon got the flu right after Christmas and apparently Sara caught it Tuesday.  She sounds terrible today (we're back at work) and I've tried to get her to go home and rest, but she's having none of it.  We decided to have a stitching session, but now I'm blogging and she's playing games on her phone so stitching has ended for the time being.  Stacy Stinson did come in and we exchanged gifts....thankfully she always brings me Christmas treats, which I started eating immediately, and this year she included a woolen needle pouch,  which she made,  with 2 packs of needles and a Big Toe needle threader cute.  Stacy's mother is our finisher and Stacy use to hand everything she did over to her mother to finish.  But with classes, etc., she's been finishing her own pieces and she's doing a beautiful job of it.  These needle pouches are adorable and I'll be putting mine in my stitching bag when I leave today.  Christmas just never ends.  It's really quiet here now though.  I think all visitors have left town....because we've seen very few today.  There is a lone surfer out today...28 degrees and he's surfing....oh, my God, to be young and stupid.  Well I've got to get back to stitchin.  Hope you are having a great weekend.  Talk to you soon.