1 day ago
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
And the Crack Whore Saga continues....
O.K., while we all took a breath this morning thinking July 4th was over ... we were soooooo wrong. Before the Crack Whore left town with the police standing guard to make sure she left our property yesterday...she went and filed an assault charge against Vernon...yes, as incredible as this sounds, that idiot went down to police station and said Vernon threw her down not only the stairs inside the building but also threw her to the ground outside as well. Poor pathetic little thing....and took her bag containing personal items (this was the bag loaded with toilet paper and paper towels from our linen closet which she broke into and mugs from sunsations which she stole). She said he called her a thief (HELLO bitch, clearly you are). Can you believe this bitch? Now we've had to contact an attorney and we've had tenants write up statements to take into court, etc, since many people witnessed the goings on for the 2 days these idiots were on the property. It is this sort of crap that ties up our court system and makes everything run so slow. But anyway, now we're going to court to fight this ass, MOSHA, thanks to the Easton Ass, and I'm still not done with IRS. The only person I'm not mad at is...Mr Grey who sent me the form I needed and asked for from the state for over a year...and in one day talking with him I got it. He must be a new employee with the state. If you work for the state I don't mean to offend, however, I believe that every tax paper...and I'm talking about those of us who pay our taxes not those who try to avoid paying....has the right to your attention and your help when forms are needed. No one knows more than a sales person how tiresome some questions might be, but when someone calls because IRS is putting a lien on them for something they need proof from the State that they don't owe...well it should be your responsibility as a person whose paycheck comes from my taxes, to do all you can to assist. .... not say, it's not our problem it's federal and I don't care what they're asking for we're giving them no information. What kind of crap is that? For instance, we had a parent come in with their daughter who had made a mistake with her knitting project which was part of a 4H project somewhere else and asked for help. They didn't offer to purchase anything, they just asked if we could help her as she had done something wrong and needed help. At the time Pat was on the floor pricing the Blossom Bucket (which we had about 8 cartons of), and Orla and I were seating at the table pricing), so frankly it wasn't a convenient time for us. I pointed to Pat as she is the only one of us who is still knitting...so she jumped up to help, O.K., she stood up before I pointed because she knew I wasn't going to do it. (Now to be honest, later I did say to Pat when she returned and when the young girl was knitting some in the other room to make sure there were no other problems, and couldn't hear..."It aggravates me that people bring in their supplies which they purchased elsewhere and want our help without purchasing anything from us....I think it's rude.") And now I have to admit, before leaving the mother did purchase something so obviously she has been brought up correctly. I really don't mind helping when you purchased your supplies from us...it's our job to help..and while we always assist when you ask regardless of where you purchase your supplies...well perhaps I'm not quite as gracious if you don't offer to purchase something from our store (I know those who know me find this really hard to believe.) But I have one customer who constantly purchases from the discount stores and then wants us to deal with it. Anyway, Pat spent quite a bit of time with the young lady and got her straight and on her way with her project corrected. And perhaps a young convert to knitting has been created thanks to Pat. I have to say the ladies usually step up with a smile on their face and a willingness to help anyone who comes in. You might want to find out if they are here before you come in, because you sure don't want to get stuck with me. If you are planning to visit us just a heads up...we are no longer Vera Bradley dealers. If I've been asked it once this past week I've been asked 100 times. We had the entire collection on sale last year, and explained we were no longer carrying it but apparently we were talking to ourselves, as we so often are. We have no purses, totes, or etc. left. Thanks for asking. Now, weather wise...it's absolutely wonderful down here this week. The sun is out...but the temperatures hover around 80 and there's a shore breeze so it's lovely. I even shut down my air conditioning last night and while I didn't sleep like a baby it had nothing to do with the temp or the noise. It's really quiet again at night. First the town isn't packed so it's just nice, you can move around. And of course, the high school seniors are gone...the crack whore is gone...yes, things are looking better down here. And I love the kids that are working upstairs this year...yes, my world is a better place this year. Maggie is back from Poland and we have Magda who is her friend and during the day we have Orla from Ireland. Just wonderful workers. Oh, I do have to say...we have our usual slobs here at the hotel. The housekeepers most of whom are foreign workers, went into a suite where there were so many clothes on the floor, on the bed, in the bathroom, they couldn't figure out what to do so they called Vernon. He went over, stepped on the clothes to get to the bathroom, grabbed the towels, told them to put clean towels in and get the trash and do nothing else. We also have 2 apartments left each day in exactly the same condition, in the same building. The foreign students in that building can't get over the fact that people can be so messy, dirty whatever. I shutter to think that they think we all live like that. I have a hard time with it too. And I have the rule that we are not their personal housekeepers...we will not pick up their clothes and if they are all over the floor they can stay that way. If they are all over the bed...then the bed doesn't get made... So, if you go to a hotel, don't treat the housekeepers like they are there for your personal service...Clean up after yourself. They are there to make the bed, if you and your stuff aren't in it, clean the bathroom, take out trash, dust, vacuum and that's it. People are also always asking me about tipping. I have a rule of thumb which you may not agree with but for those who ask, here it is. When I stay anywhere there is housekeeping, if I am just there overnight...I leave nothing...because they didn't do anything for me personally they cleaned the room which is what they are paid for. However, if I spend 2 or more nights then when they clean the room each day they are doing it for me...and a tip is required. Then I base it on what they do...if they do a full room service, vacuum, dust, bathroom, trash, etc., I leave at least $2/person/day. If I'm there a week it goes up to at least $20, and that's only if I'm the only person. If there are more people in the room I do $2/person/night. But I travel with Sara and I get 2 rooms so honestly I haven't had anyone in my room since the jackass was with me. We have apartments for 10 at the hotel and there are those who stay a week and leave anywhere from $50-$200 tip. $50 is too low for that and I think $200 is probably a little high...but each person can decide how good their housekeeper is, but always remember them. Just like waitresses though, I do deduct for any infractions I see. But I really can't remember having a poor housekeeper in years. I'm wasting time since I don't want to try to find someplace in the storeroom for all this stuff...but I'm afraid I must go now and put stuff away. I hope your day went better than ours and that you have a great evening....Thanks for listening
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I think you have enough material for a book. Go for it...
Vera Bradley still has you listed on their website as a retailer.
I love reading your blog. It makes me a much better customer. My LNS staff popped an attitude once because I brought in a freebie and they didn't like that. Forget that I was kitting it up with hand-dyed linen and supplies from their shop. I think you have a wonderful staff. Everytime I have been in the store, you all have been wonderful to me, and also my mother, who is so appreciative. Yout are absolutely my favorite LNS anywhere. Its a 3 hour drive to Ocean City from the DC area, but so worth it!
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