Just a few scenes from our C.A. Wells weekend. And what a wonderful weekend it was. Please note the monsters stitched in the last picture. This was Sara's project, which traveled with her for I swear 10 trips to Nashville. Stitched on 10 ct. Tula I think. It drove me crazy that it took so long and I swore every year that I was going to finish it for her. But she finally got it done and Caroline did the finishing and it is so cute! We gathered on Saturday and the morning was spent stitching and then we had lunch and for the first time ever, we had a class after lunch. Jackie Janovsky has asked if we would like her to teach everyone how to make a travel ort container out of fabric and of course Sara and I jumped at the idea. So, after lunch every one picked out their fabric, (Jackie had precut fabric for everyone and warm and natural and she even had matching thread. Sara had ordered the necessary 3" hoop that was used in the construction of the ort and off we went. I am happy to say that everyone got their container stitched and a few of the stitchers purchased extra hoops to make one for a friend. I actually finished mine, but at home Saturday night. Still, I finished it and I love it. When you twist the top you can collapse the container so it's flat. Fabulous for travel. Then everyone went back to eating and stitching. Our goodie bag to the group contained the Jack O Lantern slider pin cushion from JABCO and after much discussion regarding the finishing of it, Debbie Liming actually sat there cutting and stitching and finished that. 2 finishes during Saturday is a first I think. Anyway, around 5:00 the day ended and we all went home. Sunday we repeated Saturday, except for me....I worked Sea Trader, when I wasn't sneaking over to the lobby for food. But another excellent CA Wells weekend was had. Thanks everyone for coming and for the food .... and Stacy Stinson's taco salad which I ate all weekend during the event and every evening for dinner at home. Loved it. We did make it somewhat of a soup and salad event, which would have been really healthy for me, if I hadn't purchased bags of chocolate candy for dessert. Ooops, I don't know why I do these things. Hope your weekend was as much fun as ours. Have a great day!
21 hours ago
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