2 days ago
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tinker Bell is alive and walking around Ocean City...
Or at least someone who wants to be Tinkerbell. Yesterday, as promised, I worked all day to get my desk cleaned off...well, it didn't get cleaned off exactly, but I made headway and thought I'd leave the rest for Sunday. So I stroll in today, went into the shops and did tickets for Connie and Pat and thought to myself...they're going to be busy today, and then went into the office to do payroll. After looking at the schedule, I realized Connie had taken herself off the schedule today and I wasn't aware of that so of course at 9:30 a.m. I'm cursing like a sailor because I will have to help ticket and price (that's too labor intensive for me). But I got payroll done and leaped at the chance to help (you have a mental picture of me leaping I'm sure.) Anyway, Candi W. came down to stitch and I enlisted her help in pricing and we were whizzing through it when a man (at least I think it was) came in to ask for eyelash yarn. I swear if Pat hadn't waited on him I would never have made it. He looked like a reject from the 60's. He had on the typical Hawaiian shirt and I suppose he had shorts on but you could barely see them under his shirt. But what unnerved me was his head. He had grayish shoulder length hair which he wore straight with a very colorful 1 1/2" band encirling his head which I found so distracting I just sat there and prayed Pat would wait on him. I never got this far, but Pat says he had a handlebar mustache which he had finely curled at the ends. But what he asked for was long eyelash yarn. Pat showed him what eyelash yarns we have and he proceeded to tell her what he wanted it for. Apparently he had just seen a Tinkerbell movie in which she comes on the screen initially in a bubble and lands on a leaf. Inside the bubble she is wearing a furry white sweater and he wanted to make an adult size of that sweater. What amazed me even more was Candi and Orla (our Irish student) never looked at him like he was different from anyone else walking around. Anyway, Pat and I are trying to figure out who will be wearing an adult size of the Tinkerbell sweater...and pretty sure he'll be making it for himself though. Well it was a wonderful distraction for Pat and I (it doesn't take much to distract from the job at hand here.) So now I'm working the 10-whatever shift in Salty Yarns...I'm sure I'll find many things to take home...like the new Blue Ribbon charts...Love Them! There is really so much on the rack that I love I could be in serious trouble left alone here. I'm going to have to carry a second tote bag to get it all home. Good news....In my never ending quest to put stuff away, I'm am continually losing things. I put a 10 yd. roll of Shirtex away never to be found again, and while Pat was moving boxes around in her never ending quest to find space to put items, she found my roll of skirtex...whoppee!!! Now I'll find a new hiding space...opps, I mean I'll put it where I can find it...at home. The only problem now is I've lost some money. Hid it from Michael only to find that I have also hid it from myself. Sara and Mary have begun proceeding to have me committed so I'm searching very hard to find the money...so far no success. You know I'll find it when I stop searching so I'm stopping the search now. I can also tell you now, without hesitation, I am truthfully too old to be dealing with the public. Or is it that the public is getting more difficult to deal with. We sell a one size (and don't I love that since none of those fit me) tee-shirt for sleeping or whatever with Emerson pictures on them. They are seriously popular since they are so funny, and we have 2 hanging up to show the size. So...when I went over to Sea Trader just now a woman of foreign extraction asked me if I could help her. I guess the girl sitting behind the counter staring at the computer was too busy, so of course I said "certainly." That was probably my first mistake...because she then says, "is the shirt there the same one that is in this bag?" The shirts are sold in white Jersey bags with the picture on the front of which saying is on it. So I said, "Yes." She then said, "Why are they so big..don't you have anything smaller." O.K, I'm sorry I walked over to Sea Trader at this point, but said, "They come as one size only, I'm sorry but that is the only size." Then she says, "Can I take it out of the bag to see how big it is, and what is on it." O.K., now she's just pissing me off so I said, "You can see the size of the shirt here .. pointing to the one hanging over her head...and you can see what is on the shirt as it is the same as the picture on the bag you are holding. (Once out of the bag you can never get them back in the bag correctly..hence I don't want to take it out of the friggin bag..). Then I come over to Salty Yarns where a woman has been walking around for 1 hour and asks me what she can do with a bell pull pattern. Apparently at her house she already has approx. 100 bellpulls but likes the birds and wants me to help make something else. While I would like to tell her what she could do with the birds, I hesitate...and then make a suggest that is more friendly. But she won't let up...now it's what size should she do and how big are the birds going to be...and on and on and on. This might seem like innocent questions except...the birds are already stitched and on display in the size of fabric she has chosen. So just go look at the model which she was carrying around I might add. Honestly...I do feel perhaps they've let the mentally challenged out for a bus ride to Ocean City. I'm becoming a little challenged myself here. I need a real stitcher to walk in...but from the looks of this crowd they are few and far between. Where are my peeps when I need them? I've got a head ache...I'm going to sit and contemplate my reason for existing. Talk to you later.
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Well this "peep" would sure like to be able to run on down and help you out. I so wish I was closer.
You know I'd jump at the opportunity to help you out. It's just such a long commute.
"I need a real stitcher to walk in..."
Hang in there! I'm coming!!! ;) I'll be in OC over the 4th of July and your shop, as always, is one of my favorite places to be.
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