That's right, the event is over and all we got was freezing rain, which this morning became black ice so school was cancelled. We were so worried about our stitchers on the road yesterday that we felt forced to cancel Stitch 'n Bitch, but today the sun is out so any ice on our walkways should be gone by this evening meaning we were really unscathed by the storm. I know many of you were not so l
ucky so we're thinking about you. I didn't really think too much of the event to begin with, as far as affecting us, until I tried to send in an order only to find that the company was closed due to snow and unsure when they would be reopen. Which means I'm going into a weekend without product I need. Crap, crap and more crap. I'll try to focus on our not having to deal with the mess......thinking happy thoughts......yeah, I'm back to my happy place.
I finally found 3 more pictures of my gifts from the members of our Stitch 'n Bitch group. First is the Snowman Pocket from Debbie Liming. It's a little hard to see as she has put Christmas berries, etc, in the pocket, but it is absolutely adorable. It really looked perfect on the table by my sofa. I propped it against a picture and it stood there proudly. The second picture is the Autumn Stack of Biscournu's from Pat Weker. I had this one in my "to do" bag so I was thrilled. Not only do I love them, but it allows me to take one item out of t
he bag without actually having to stitch it. Helping me to get ahead (yeah, now only 1,000,000 left to do.) And the third picture is of a tiny tea cup (Polishware no less) which Jackie Janovsky made into a pin cushion. I didn't even know they made Polishware this's so cute. Notice the initials she managed to stitch...they are the Eileen Bennett initials which I love so much. And that isn't the end of my stitched gifts. But for this blog it is, as I have to get the other pictures in my camera. I was just happy this morning to find the pictures...I seem to have trouble with that. Anyway, Thanks again to all the stitchers...You made my Christmas so much brighter. We may have cancelled January's Stitch 'n Bitch, however, we did have our first official "Knit 'n Bitch" on Monday during the day (this is so helpful to me). Small crowd as many of our stitchers had already made plans before we announced we were doing this, however, Eileen and Diane were there with Sara and myself and we had a great time getting to know them and working on our knitting projects. Pat did stop by for about 1 hour, but her father needed her help so she had to leave early. Pat was my go to for questions so I panicked when she wasn't there at the beginning, however, there were just a few questions from the ladies and I was able to handle that. Then when Pat got there she did "clean up on questions" for me. Our next meeting will be February 14th so if you can be there, please plan on it. We already know several more of the knitters will be there so we're planning on having fun. I'm embarrassed to say I still haven't cleaned up from Christmas yet...but today is the day. The tree will come down and all the Christmas stuff will be put away. (I hate to see the little lights go...I just love the tree lights, but know it's looking a little ridiculous so I swear it will come down today). I got rid of all the extra chairs and the table Monday so my kitchen is back to normal and my dining room almost. Did I tell you Sara got engaged over Christmas? Vernon had asked my permission back in November, but I had no idea when it would take place. I thought perhaps Christmas Day but Sara had voiced her opinion on that numerous times so Vernon didn't bother. Sara didn't want it to be a Christmas present (where did this child come from?) We had gone on an overnight trip Christmas shopping in Annapolis. When we arrived home Sara found Vernon had cooked dinner, cleaned up the house (probably the cause for snow on that day) and was waiting for her with a drink in hand. So good for Vernon....that's the way to get to Sara's heart...clean and cook. As his daughter is scheduled to get married in the fall of 2011, they are postponing any dates until that takes place. Sara doesn't want to ruin her year by upstaging her. Plus this gives us plenty of time to decide issues. Well, not we..but Sara and Vernon. Vernon has always fit in nicely with the family so everyone on this end is thrilled for them. I've struggled getting back into the needlework frame of mind. And I've struggled getting on track with Lauren Sauer's project. I'm telling you I'm too old for this stuff. I started Lauren's probably 3 times and I've torn each of the first 2 rows out so much it's a wonder the linen held up. It was so frustrating as Sara was just zipping through it and had no problems at all. It's embarrassing that it's such an easy stitch and I had to much trouble beginning the piece. I really had it going when Sara said something about interfacing and I hadn't done that step so another tear out took place. But I'm thrilled to say I'm on my final row of circles on the front piece and after studying Sara's piece and having her answer the same questions 50 times...I'm well on my way. So I'm planning to have it done by the time we leave for Nashville. Please, Please let me be done. I can't remember a piece that I could only stitch at home in the complete peace and quiet of my own house.... Of course I've also stitched a bit on the "Red Thread" piece and of course I'm also looking at other projects (in my stash) to stitch as I want to stitch something small that I can finish quickly so I can feel that accomplishment. Anyway, that's where I am today, home...stitching...putting away Christmas and thankful I don't have to go out in the bitter cold. I'm also grateful for this wonderful sun..... I hope you don't have too much digging to do...but if you do, take care of yourselves, bundle up and we'll all pray for sun.
Have a great day.
Glad you guys are OK. I was a bit worried about everyone down on the Eastern Shore.
There were nothing but unfounded rumors speeding through the halls about the fate of the Nashville show. Those vendors who had 'started' these rumors, those vendors who were spreading, and those shops who followed suit were all working from completely unsubstantiated information. Those vendors who I contacted prior to the show about this never returned my emails or calls, even when given my home phone number. Apparently they didn't want to hear fact. I so wish the shops were not following through on these rumors .. they were/are just that!
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