18 hours ago
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Cross Stitch Nation was a wonderful stitch for me. The colors were really vibrant, at least the red was and I truly loved the stitch. But when it was finished was the best part because I like making the drum pin cushions so it was a delight to finish. And now it is one of my favorite pieces. When Sara first mentioned making it into a drum I thought she had lost her mind. I had never even considered that. But, I love to finish the pieces in different ways than expected so I thought why not and once I stitched up the back and took a look at it I knew it was a wonderful decision. If you have facebook, go look at Salty Yarns page and you will see it... 360 degrees...Sara took a video of it and put it there. Anyway, I stitched it on 32 ct. Legacy from PTP and stitched it using the recommended fibers. Fun piece and fun finish. I also got my Betsy Morgan pre-stitch done....hooray!!!! So today I'm moving on to new. We have now survived another car weekend....and for a while it looked like I might spend the week in jail...I swear if that man had revved his car engine one more day it was going to be his death or mine. He chose to park that miserable car, which apparently wasn't moveable, under my window where he spent 2 days and nights trying to get it to run correctly. He revved that thing for hours at a time. I had no peace at all from 7 in the morning until around 10 at night. I mean it if you can't get it running in a hour....call it a day and leave the rest of us some peace and quiet. But after 2 days he gave up and tarped the car. When I came home Friday from work there it sat covered and peace was restored to me once again... ... Thank you Jesus! The wind picked up Saturday and the rains came which ruined the weekend for the car folks, but when I arrived home to see the tarp blown off that car and the motor exposed to the rain I knew that was punishment for the owner for disturbing our neighborhood for 2 days and I just smiled and said, "Thank you God." Justice came and I didn't lift a finger. I'm not sure that the owner of the car felt it was a reprimand from God, but that's my thinking. Let me assure you that I am not against the car folks.....no sir, I've always appreciated the car people coming here and spending the weekend. They rent our rooms, eat in the restaurants and also spend money in the shops, so we need them. What we don't need is the inconsiderate car people who give no thought to the people who are in the buildings where they park. Many of us have children and also many of us work. We need sleep just like everyone else. Imagine someone parking under your window revving their engine for hours starting at 7 a.m. and going until 10 p.m. and cars revving their engines in the parking space next to your room. Just inconsiderate. And of course the weather wasn't helping anyone. Car people were mad Saturday as it rained all day...all day people. Many of them still rode the streets but several of them parked their cars and sat around all day miserable. While I understand disappointment, we are not responsible for the weather. Don't blame us as we would rather have you out and about and happy. And the complaints...poor Mary...she's is the front desk person and she really took it this weekend with people complaining and then coming to her with problems. When checking out on Sunday a tenant told her that his bag of dirty clothes was missing, and how it had been there the day before and now it was gone and he wanted something done about it. She expressed her dismay, asked if it was sitting by the trash can (that's never a good thing as the housekeeping staff with take it for trash) but he said it was on the other side of the room so we were clueless as to what could have happened. I mean no one steals dirty clothes, do they? Anyway since Beverly has been here for over 30 years we knew she didn't touch it, but we asked her if she remembered seeing the bag in the room. She had 2 buildings to clean so she was as clueless as we were by the end of the day. But the man continued to stand at the desk and stare at Mary until she came to me. I asked her what he wanted us to do about a bag of dirty clothes and poor Mary just wanted the whole thing over with. In the end she did what I would have done and said she was sorry but there was really nothing we could do. I frankly thought his wife probably already put it in the car, but we got no where with that. After they got out to their car Mary ran up to the room to investigate and as she looked noticed something on the bed under one of the pillows.....the bag of dirty clothes! That man spend 20 minutes at the desk bitching and moaning and it was on the bed the entire time, exactly where one of them had laid it. What makes me really angry is either he or his wife had to have put that bag on the bed that morning, so to waste 20 minutes of the front desk persons time, look around! Aside from that crap, in town we had a horrific accident in which a 24 year old lost his life on Friday. Don't think he was part of the whole car thing, but he was running from the police on a motorcycle and slammed into a truck. So that was all anyone could talk about on Friday and then on Saturday someone took a fall off an 8th floor balcony in town and they died. So all and all, not the best weekend we've had and I pray it is the worst we will ever have again. So believe me when I say, we need sunshine and warmer temps to get through the next week and help us store up energy for the next hell, the high school seniors. This is really the only time I wish I could leave Ocean City until they were gone. Their behavior gets worse every year (or is it that I'm getting older?) All I can report is high school seniors are still not mature enough to come to Ocean City with no supervision. Enough said!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
House work....Ugh!
Mother's Day treat from Sara, and so true for me. I hate housework so this was the perfect pillow for her to stitch as a gift. She stitched it on the 20 (?) ct. linen so it's a nice size. It's approx. 15" x 8" so it looks great on the sofa or chair. Thanks Sara, I love it! Right now I'm letting the shop use it so if you come in to the shop you can see it live and in person. Since I've been home a couple of days I have tried to get some housework done, especially in my stitching room. I've been going through the piles now for a couple of days, how did all this crap get in here anyway? I need to let some stuff go, I honestly save everything thinking I will re-purpose it. And while I do find uses for things most people would have chucked long ago, even I couldn't find a purpose for all this. So purging shall commence. Since I finished "Cross Stitch Nation" which Sara has shown on our facebook page (and you know it will be here next), I'm going through the stash to pull out something new...Love to find something new. I had pulled fibers and fabric for Hands on Design's "Wool Block Party" earlier, but I can't just stop with one project, because last night I also finished something I started a while ago that's also been released, "Button Posies" so that means I also get to pull out something that's been started before to finish.....so now I'm on the look out for both new and old projects. Of course, there are several in each area to choose from...so that's where the trouble begins and ends. I'm still loving the Erica Michaels strawberries and really want to stitch one on gauze, so perhaps that will be the winner but since I have the attention span of a child in a candy store and I've got 5 more bags to look through, well I'm still undecided on new. As for old....well that's tougher since I've already worked on them and put them away, I put them away for a reason. Now can I get beyond that, pull them out and do what I have to in order to finish them? Well, tonight will be the moment of truth as I have to pick something to work on or just sit all night watching T.V. feeling unproductive. This is the weekend all the cars are in town and for 2 days I had one of the cars under my window revving up the engine constantly and apparently unable to actually get it in gear to move. I was about to scream out the window and tell them to shut the damn thing off and give me some peace, but decided I might be better off just coming in to work early. I was bitching and complaining about this car so much I was afraid I'd have a stroke. But God heard me and when I got home last night after work the car was covered with a tarp and thankfully the crew was done with it. Even with the constant running of cars on Baltimore Ave. it was still quiet enough for me. Heaven was restored! I have to say our weather has not cooperated. It was gorgeous, sunny and warm on Thursday and Friday, however, today it is raining and suppose to rain all day and into tomorrow....the cars don't run much when it rains so I'm afraid the car weekend is a disappointment for the folks here for it. We still haven't had it warm enough to warrant air conditioning for which I'm thrilled. I don't do well in heat, so high 60's and 70's is just fine with me. And since we've got the college kids in town for a couple of weeks and then the high school seniors for a month of a different kind of hell, I really don't care if it rains every single night starting around 10 and lasts until 10 am the next morning. All I really want is peace and quiet at night. But I know summer weather will be here soon and then I'll complain about the heat. Not sure if it's ever going to be just right for me...either too noisy, too hot or too cold. Well, I really don't care as long as I've got a/c in the summer and heat in the winter and I can always close the winters against noise.....unless it's right under my window...then apparently it does matter whether the window is up or down I hear it. Well, I'm off to the shop to look at the new charts one more time in my struggle to make up my mind. Tomorrow I'll blog about one of the most fun projects I've done.....have a great weekend whatever you do!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
I've been so busy getting ready for events I haven't had time to blog...well, that's not exactly true, although I have been busy, but Elaine cleaned up and changed displays in Sea Trader, including my blogging spot and now I can't blog in there anymore because she removed the shelf I used. So now I'm home doing it where I should have been doing it all along. But when I'm home all I can think about is stitching....you see the problem? Anyway, it finally happened, after all this stitching, my behind is tired of my stitching seat on the sofa so I've moved over to the blogging chair at the table. I have a different chair for everything so I don't get bored in one spot. Anyway, the pictures on the left show what I got done for last weekend. You know I'm loving that large count linen, although I did find a flaw with it unfortunately, after I had already started stitching. I was working on "Land of Liberty," a Brenda Gervais piece and at some point I felt it just wasn't going to fit on the cut of linen and decided I had started in the wrong place. Aggravated, I tore out the L and the Uncle Sam figure and started over. After stitching the LIB and Uncle Sam again I thought it looked too long for the cut of linen. This time I counted the threads per inch and found this friggin linen is not 20 ct as marked but is 16 in one direction and 18 in the other. I almost ripped the damn thing up, but of course I couldn't do that, and thank goodness I had another piece of this linen for another project and the cut was really bigger than needed and so for the 3rd time I restitched the darn thing. What I love is after calling Sara to alert her to change the count on those linens, she called the supplier and they actually knew it wasn't 20 and still sent it out as such anyway. What is that about? Not as enthusiastic stitching a 3rd time, but loved it when I finished it, so it was worth the aggravation. And it's such a fabulous size approx. 15" x 6" Makes a wonderful pillow for a chair or sofa. The third piece shown is "Long May Ewe Wave" which is actually a free chart, (when you purchase the beehive button) from Shepherd's Bush, stitched on 18ct. Raw linen and then finished into a pin cushion. Of course I changed one minor detail....I didn't stitch the bees but used the bitty bees instead (much to Sara's dismay I love the bitty bees). Sara gets aggravated because I keep using the supplies and she runs out....order more I said...for God's sake stop yelling at me because I'm using supplies. It's for the shop to begin with...a model...honestly I get no respect around here. The second piece is from 2015 Nashville Market. It's by Little House Needleworks, and called, "Giving Thanks". The frame is an East Side Moulding frame which we carry in the shop. It was a fun easy stitch as were the other two pieces shown. Today I finished another of the pieces done on the "20" (yeah right) ct. linen, I've redone "Jingle Jingle" by Plum Street Sampler. I loved doing it the first time and this time I changed the color of the horse to greys and still love it. I've also started "Cross Stitch Nation", (since I'm certainly a member,) but for this I went back to 32 ct. Sara wants me to finish it as a barrel pin cushion, so I'm going to give that a go....and I'll post it when it's done. But I must mention the last 3 events. First was our Sheri Jones class and we love Sheri so we knew it was going to be fun and she didn't disappoint. Friday she had a finishing class for any of her pieces that you might not have finished. You were able to bring in previous class pieces and she would assist in the finishing. It was very successful and Stacy Stinson went home with her Patriot Patty completed. Kudos to her. Sara worked on her Hare pocket and with Sheri's help she did get it completed. I'm so proud of her and she really did a terrific job with the finishing. So Thank You Sheri for all the time and attention you gave the stitchers. That's why your classes are so popular, because you care about the stitchers, and they sure do love you. I saw that Bernadette has finished her Garden Long Pocket and several had the band almost completed before they left for home. Such a gorgeous piece and well worth my struggle (of course trouble made by myself not by the piece.) The hardest part of the weekend is always what to pick for the next year. And I can't recall if they chose something and what it is going to be. That's always up to Sara and Sheri, I'm out of the loop (as usual). The next weekend we had the Delaware Valley Sampler Guild and many of these ladies shop with us so we are familiar with them and they are always fun. But this time I got a really good hint from the Jersey ladies who attend. Three of the ladies stitch a project a year together. Last year they picked The Flying Santa from Artist Collection. They brought it into the shop to ask a question as they were putting the pieces together and then mounting them on one of the "Stix" we sell. But it's how they put them together to use with the stick that is so interesting to me. I have done pieces which I have mounted on pointed things like the mini oil cans, etc. and this never ever occurred to me. They fastened a straw(regular drinking straw) inside the piece so instead of fighting with the sharpened point of metal against the stuffing, polyfil whatever, you simply put the metal stick inside the straw already sewn in. No muss, no fuss. They secured the straw so it wouldn't come back out of the piece so you can remove the piece from the display if you wanted and easily reinsert the stand. Fabulous idea. And that is the point of stitchers getting together. It's the sharing of ideas that is so wonderful so I thank Carol Wentzel, Robin Thompson and Pat Lerch for sharing. I will be using this technique in the future I can assure you. And then last week I got a really nice gift in the mail....Vera Means who was in the shop when her group, The Tangles, were in town and she found a kit that went missing and was later found while she was packing. Since she already had repurchased the same kit, she sent me her lost one, so I got a Boo Moon witch pin cushion kit from JABCO, which you will see as I am going to be finishing it next week. Thanks Vera...I love it. During Sheri's weekend, Stasi Buhrman gave me the most beautiful bone china tea cup and saucer and the pattern was I believe called petit point. It looks like cross stitch..how fabulous is that. As if that wasn't gift enough, Stasi then charted a floral pattern that matches the tea cup design so I will be stitching that up as well. She also brought me a bag of the old mason jar lids which I use for pin cushions. Thanks Stasi, I really appreciate the gifts. And Cynthia McCann brought me 4 of the 4" red tart pans which are going to be fabulous with some Christmas Designs I have. Oh, my I have been blessed. Thank you Cynthia....I love the colored tart pans. I'm even thinking a patriotic design would look good in it and Plum Street just released another one so perhaps that's the one I'll use. It's a stitching bonanza down here.....new supplies, etc. And then this past weekend we had 66 stitchers for our May retreat. The weather did not cooperate at all, and it was in the 50's and rainy and cloudy every day except Sunday when it was high 60's and sunny. But as stitchers we don't really care because it's about the stitching and friendships we treasure, although it would have been nice to be able to sit on the front porch to watch the ocean. But we still had a wonderful weekend. Sara made some fabulous appetizers and the lasagna dinner was wonderful, and Vernon spent the weekend behind the bar making the ladies orange crushes. Yes, food, drinks and stitching for the weekend...it just doesn't get any better than that. So thanks to all the stitchers who came to the first events of the year. We appreciate your patronage and can't wait to do it again. Of course we have Betsy Morgan here in June so I guess we will be doing it all again. I need to get the prestitch done....here I go again! Have a great week and I'll try to post more often so you won't think I've died. And for the stitchers who couldn't attend this past event due to a fall down the stairs and back problems, and the flu we missed you all and hope you are well on the road to recovery. We'll see you hopefully at another retreat.
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